Supreme Champion/International Premier
Dan-Queen Ejnar
Date of birth 09-02-2016
EMS code NFO ns 22
Colour black tabby
Father CH. Dan-Queen Aslak, JW
Mother Lilje av Moltemyr
GSD IV Homozygous Normal N/N
FeLV/FIV Negative
HCM Normal - scanned 03/2018
PKD Negative
In 2010 we had our first Norwegian forest cat and six years later with eight lovely girls we thougth it is time to look for a boy.
We found him in Danmark at cattery Dan-Queen. We were immediatly in love with him. He is a strong built boy with excelent boing and large paws. A beautiful head with a straight profile and lovely eyes. Special is for us his beautiful silver in his coat. Finally after four months it was time, so we went for a drive of 888km to Dronninglund.
We are very happy with Dan-Queen Ejnar and we want to thank Dorthe Elgaard for trusting him to live with us. In future we hope that he will be the start of lovely off spring in our cattery.
3 en 4 July De Lier/Felikat CACS/NOM Sara Moroni – Supreme Champion
en ereprijs Alexey Shchukin
26/27 oct. Freiburg WS Luigi Comorio CACS
23 nov. Sint Truiden Kristina Rautio CACS
24 nov. Sint Truiden/Felis Belgica Tellervo Kass CACS/BIVT
13 jan. Paris /FFF Anna Wilczek CACS/BIV/NOM
14 jan. Paris/FFF Eva Porat CACS/NOM
22 jan. Zoetermeer/Felikat Stephe Bruin CAC
22 jan. Zoetermeer/Felikat Alexey Shchukin CAC - Champion
10 febr. Boxtel/Mundikat Marino Koot CACIB/BIVT
11 febr. Boxtel/Mundikat Linda Knyova CACIB/BIVT
4 mrt. Kortrijk/Felis Belgica NSW Darina Tarabini CACIB -
International Champion
10 juni Almere/Mundikat Lee Selassa CAGCIB
11 juni Almere/Mundikat Mats Askett CAGCIB
17 sept. Nieuw Vennep/Felikat Marino Koot CAGCIB
7 okt. Groningen/Mundikat Alessandro Ghibaudo CAGCIB/NOM
8 okt. Groningen/Mundikat Marino Koot CAGCIB/NOM
28 okt. Rijswijk/ World show Andreas Woelm CAGCIB/BIV
18 nov Kortrijk/Felis Belgica Annette Sjodin CAGCIB/NOM
Grand International Champion
19 nov. Kortrijk/Felis Belgica Carla Rotini CACS
20 aug. Zandvliet/Felsis Belgica Stephane Henry Excellent 1 BIVT
21 aug. Zandvliet/Felis Belgica Lone Lund Excellent 1 BIVT
11 sept. Schiedam/Felikat Kristof van Roy Excellent 1 BIVT-NOM
22 okt. Groningen/Mundikat Marino Koot Excellent 1 NOM
23 okt. Groningen/Mundikat Jörgen Frithiof Excellent 1 NOM
29/30 okt. Wien/World Show Katharina Balikova Excellent 2
13 nov. Rijswijk/Felikat John Rudolph Excellent 1
13 nov. Rijswijk/Felikat Annika Berner Excellent 1
11 dec. Uitgeest/Mundikat Christiano Sandon CAC/NOM