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On the 5th of May our first litter of the year was born 

Parents are: IC Harley De Valaskjalf & Ch. Lapanto's Messika

2 boys and 2 girls "the Fox litter"


On the 9th of May the second litter was born

Parents are:  SC NW Lapanto's Jaeger Lecoultre JW & Muffins Amberle 

2 girls and 1 one boy "the Down Town Abbey litter"



On sunday the 24th of April we visited the Deutsche HEC show in Alsfeld 

(a two certificates show)

SC NW Lapanto's Gaia, CAP, nomination BIS and CAP

CH Lapanto's Bvlgari 2x CACIB - International Champion

SC PR Dan Queen Ejnar, 2x CAPIB nomination and Best in show - International Premier


The 9th and 10th of April we visited the Felis Belgica show in Wieze

SC Dan Queen Ejnar CAP and nomination, Premior - CAPIB

Lapanto's Bvlgari CAC and nomination BIS- Champion - CACIB

SC GIP Glitnir's High Hopes DVM, 1x CAPS - Supreme Premior - HP

                                                 2x Best in show Veteran



The first show of 2022 was 27th of March, a Felikat show in Klundert ( two certificates)

SC GIP Glitnir's High Hopes DVM 2x CAPS - one nomination BIS

Lapanto's Bvlgari 1x CAC nomination - 1x CAC

SC Dan Queen Ejnar - 2x CAP and nomination BIS                                               















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